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单侧临时支护对连拱隧道中隔墙施工影响研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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·2209 · 从双连拱隧道的整体施工步骤可知,双连拱隧道 的结构形式和施工工艺的复杂、多变性,中隔墙所受 左右两侧荷载作用时效的不一致,先行洞初期支护 支撑在中隔墙上方,由于两主洞存在前后错距,后行 洞是临空一侧,中隔墙易出现偏压现象,中隔墙会 出现压拉弯剪扭等不同的应力状态。李玉华等 [1]研 究了双连拱隧道在复杂应力情况下,优化“中导洞 + 双侧壁开挖”施工方法,通过监控中隔墙及围岩的 单侧临时支护对连拱隧道中隔墙施工影响研究 路镇武, 孟平原 (中建二局第三建筑工程有限公司,100070,北京) 摘 要: 双连拱隧道最大的优势在于其发挥空间资源,对于现场征拆、进出口连接困难的短隧道 情况下,是一种广泛使用的隧道结构断面形式;但是,双连拱隧道施工工序极其烦琐、施工要求高、 工期较长、地层受到多次扰动、中隔墙施工稳定性等问题也是不容忽视的。在施工过程中,左右 主洞开挖前后错开一定距离,造成左右洞非对称开挖、支护,初期支护荷载使得隧道空间效应更加 明显,特别是隧道中隔墙的非对称荷载,经常处于复杂且动态的应力状态下,中隔墙很容易发生 失稳。通过数值模拟现场施工荷载,分析了连拱隧道中隔墙受力稳定性的因素,通过现场的实践证明, 得出反向支撑法是维持中隔墙稳定性最好的方法之一,对双连拱隧道的施工提供参考和借鉴意义。 关键词: 双连拱隧道;数值模拟;非对称荷载 中图分类号:TU 74 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1000-4726(2023)18-2209-04 study on the influence of unilA terAl temporAry support on the construction of pArtition wAll in continuous Arch tunnel LU Zhen-wu, MENG Ping-yuan (The Third Construction Engineering Company LTD. of China Construction Second Engineering Bureau, 100070, Beijing, China) Abstract: The biggest advantage of double-arch tunnel is that it exerts space resources, and it is a widely used tunnel structure section form for short tunnels where on-site requisition and demolition and inlet and outlet connections are difficult. However, the construction process of the double-arch tunnel is extremely cumbersome, the construction requirements are high, the construction period is long, the ground layer is disturbed many times, and the construction stability of the middle partition wall cannot be ignored. In the construction process, the left and right main holes are staggered before and after excavation a certain distance, resulting in asymmetric excavation and support of the left and right holes, and the initial supporting load makes the tunnel spatial effect more obvious, especially the asymmetric load of the partition wall in the tunnel, often in a complex and dynamic stress state, the middle partition wall is easy to instability. Through numerical simulation of on-site construction load, the factors of force stability of the partition wall in the continuous arch tunnel are analyzed, and the reverse support method is one of the best methods to maintain the stability of the middle partition wall through on-site practice, which provides reference and reference significance for the construction of the double-arch tunnel. keywords: double arch tunnel; numerical simulation; asymmetric load 收稿日期:2023–07–25 基金项目: 大断面双连拱隧道关键技术研究及应用(24296D200005) 作者简介:路镇武( 1988—),男,甘肃白银人,工程师, e-mail: 562577204@qq.com 变形等情况,得出优化后的施工方法能够保证工程 质量、安全。王国权等 [2]采用有限元软件 ABAQUS 分析软件偏压角度下隧道动力响应和围岩稳定性, 偏压范围的增大会导致围岩塑性范围的增大,通过 采用抗滑桩等措施,能很好改善围岩的应力分部状况。 还有国内外学者 [3-4] 认为在侧向增加横向混凝土、砂 砾土等回填材料,利用回填材料的侧向抗力来抵抗双 连拱隧道中隔墙偏压现象,但是此方法也存在混凝土 制拆时间长、混凝土侧向抗力需一定时间,同时,回填 砂砾材料施工烦琐、施工速度慢。采用支撑法来抵抗 中隔墙侧向抗力,侧向支撑具有安拆时间短、施工方便、 可回收周转等诸多优点,此方法在施工中应用广泛。 *1? ? _ Architecture Technology 1\54 思1\ 18 O 2023 ?9 8 Vol.54 No.18 Sep. 2023 ·2210 · 1 工程概况 南上庄隧道位于山西省阳泉市,采用双连拱隧道 结构形式,为