Building Technology DevelopmentrS52
C o n s tru c tio n T e c h n o lo g yK y K
2 0 2 1年5月隧道软弱围岩拆换拱施工技术信国军(中交一公局第五工程有限公司,北 京100024 )[摘 要 ]由于低强度、稳 定 性 差 、变形持续时间长的特点,软弱围岩经常会出现大变形、崩溃和其他损害的现象。在隧
隧道施工过程中存在的问题,在分析遂道软弱围岩拆换拱的施工技术的基础上提出相关的解决措施,希望对相关从业人员有所帮助。[ 关 键 词 ] 初 期 支 护 变 形 ;限 制 入 侵 ;隧道软弱围岩;施工技术[中 图 分 类 号 ]TU74 ; U455.4 [文 献 标 志 码] B [ 文 章 编 号 ] 1001-523X (2021) 09-0035-03光(据技统卷第源统期(据 全逢源疚据(刊(计升 (文 《逢学(数期据计 术据选 《逢疾刊术源期据计
Arch in Weak Surrounding Rock of TunnelXin Guo-jun[ Abstract ] Due to the characteristics o f low strength, poor stability, and long deformation duration, the phenomena such
as large deformation, collapse and other damage often occur on weak surrounding rocks. During the tunnel construction, it
caused strong deformation or even destruction o f the initial support structure* which seriously affected the tunnel construction and
safety. The topographic characteristics o f the weak surrounding rock from the source were understood, the problems existing in
the construction o f the weak surrounding rock tunnel were solved, and relevant solutions were put forward based on analysis o f
construction technology o f the tunners weak surrounding rock arch removal and replacement, hoping to help the workers in the relative
field.相 库逢升》(卷选技 ] initial support deformation ; restrict intrusion ; tunnel weak surrounding rock ; construction technologyI) ? \ p ?\ r?? x yQ x?eW ? l? p
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