建筑施工·第44卷·第12期 2979
楼政权 崔凤杰 陈慧娜 李子豪 任鹏霏
浙江中天恒筑钢构有限公司 浙江 杭州 310008
摘要: 以云碧峰景观桥项目钢栈桥施工为主要研究对象,介绍裸岩地质钢栈桥防洪加固施工技术,通过钢管桩定位装
关键词: 裸岩地质;防洪加固;钢栈桥;钢管桩定位装置
中图分类号: TU 997 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004 -1001(2022)12 -2 979-0 4 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 022.1 2.0 48
Construction Technology for Flood Control Reinforcement of Steel Trestle
in Bare Rock Geology
LOU Zhengquan CUI Fengjie CHEN Huina LI Zihao REN Pengfei
Zhejiang Zhongtian Hengzhu Steel Structure Co., Ltd., Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310008, China
Abstract: Taking the construction of steel trestle of Yunbifeng Landscape Bridge Project as the main research object,
the construction technology of flood control and reinforcement of steel trestle in bare rock geology is introduced. The
pre cis e p osit io nin g c onstr u ctio n is c arrie d o ut th ro ug h th e p osit io nin g d evic e o f s te el p ip e p ile s. T he fir s t h oriz o nta l
connection of steel pipe piles adopts steel beams that can bear vertical loads. The main beam is erected on the first
horizontal connection, leaving the upper opening of the pile. The hole leading reinforcement and subsequent material
tr a nsp orta tio n a re c arrie d o ut s yn chro nously in n on ra in sto rm a nd ty p hoon s e aso ns to im pro ve th e c onstr u ctio n
efficiency. The bottom of the steel pipe pile is anchored and embedded into the rock stratum through the hole leading
re in fo rc em ent c onstr u ctio n, s o a s to re aliz e th e flo od c ontr o l a nd re in fo rc em ent o f th e s te el tr e stle in th e ra in sto rm
season. The construction effect of the steel trestle of Yunbifeng Landscape Bridge Project is good, which can be used
as reference for similar projects.
Keywords: bare r o ck g eolo g y; flo od c ontr o l r e in fo rc em ent; s te el tr e stle ; s te el p ip e p ile p osit io nin g d evic e
1 工程概况
1.1 工程概况
桁连续刚构桥,跨径布置为(65+ 120+ 65) m , 桥梁全
长250 m 。 桥梁横向分3幅 布置,包括车行桥及东、西两侧
辅 桥,车行桥桥宽8 m , 东西两侧辅桥桥宽均为4.5 m 。 主
云 碧峰景观桥上游布置一座9 m 宽 主栈桥,下游布置
一座6 m 宽 主栈桥,2座 主栈桥之间布置9 m 宽 支栈桥,支
栈桥 旁搭设施工平台。主栈桥上设置2台 80 t 双 钩龙门吊
(图1) 。
120 000 M07 M08
图1 云碧峰景观桥钢栈桥现场布置示意
随 着我国交通建设的不断拓展,跨越大江、大河的水
上 桥梁大量涌现 [1 ], 许多桥梁在建设时,常遇江河水量丰
率,降低安全风险 [2 ]。
然 而,在钢栈桥施工时,部分桥段施工区域河道河
质量的关键 [3 ]。
作 者简介:楼政权(1980— ),男,博士,高级工程师。
( 311305) 。
电子邮箱:66891763@ qq.c o m
收 稿日期:2022-0 8-2 6
2022·12·Building Construction 2980
1.2 水文
188.9 m /s , 在上饶市历史最高洪水位69.1 4 m , 历史最低水