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曲线连续刚构桥悬臂浇筑施工控制技术(论文).pdf 第1页
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2022·7·Building Construction 1646 曲线连续刚构桥悬臂浇筑施工控制技术 余海兵 腾达建设集团股份有限公司 上海 201204 摘要: 采用悬臂浇筑法施工时,结构体系随施工的进展而不断发生变换,结构受力和变形变化幅度大,为实现曲梁连 续刚构桥顺利合龙,并保证桥梁线形与结构内力符合设计要求,采用施工控制技术对施工过程开展调控。准确预测桥 梁施工状态是悬臂浇筑施工控制的主要内容,施工前建立有限元模型开展计算分析,获得了箱梁竖向、水平以及扭转 变形情况,确定了施工预变形值。施工过程中开展了桥梁变形及内力监测,对实测与理论数值偏差开展分析,调整预 变形值,最终实现了桥梁顺利合龙,桥梁线形与内力均符合设计要求,可为其他类似工程提供借鉴。 关键词: 曲线连续刚构桥;悬臂浇筑;施工控制;线形;内力 中图分类号: U 448.2 3 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004- 1001(2022)07- 1646-0 4 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 022.0 7.0 54 Cantilever Pouring Construction Control Technology for Curved Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge YU Haibing Tengda Construction Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201204, China Abstract: When the cantilever pouring method is used for construction, the structural system changes continuously with the progress of construction, and the structural stress and deformation vary greatly. In order to realize the smooth closure of curved beam continuous rigid frame bridge and ensure that the bridge alignment and structural internal force meet the design requirements, the construction control technology is used to regulate the construction process. Accurate prediction of bridge construction state is the main content of cantilever pouring construction control. Before construction, a finite element model is established to carry out calculation and analysis, the vertical, horizontal and torsional deformation of box girder are obtained, and the construction pre-deformation value is determined. During the construction, the deformation and internal force of the bridge are monitored, the deviation between the measured and theoretical values is analyzed, and the pre-deformation value is adjusted. Finally, the smooth closure of the bridge was realized. The bridge alignment and internal force meet the design requirements, which can provide reference for other similar projects. Keywords: c urv e d c ontin uous r ig id fr a m e b rid ge; c antile ve r p ourin g ; c onstr u ctio n c ontr o l; a lig nm ent; in te rn al fo rc e 中 ,呈现出竖向、扭转以及水平3种 变形形态。另外,由于 箱 梁剪力滞效应与曲梁力学特性的双重影响,曲梁截面力 学 特性计算复杂程度也大幅提升。因此,对曲线连续梁悬 臂 施工进行控制,无论在桥梁线形还是内力控制方面,均 面 临着不小的挑战。 中 南林业科技大学的张显雄等人 [7 ], 在凉台河大桥施 工 中采用MID AS C IV IL 有 限元分析软件,分别对直线模型 和 曲线模型开展计算分析,结果表明:在变形方面,2种 模 型竖向预拱度设置基本相同,但曲线梁具有明显的水平 横 向位移和扭转变形;在应力方面,箱