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小半径曲线连续梁桥体系转换过程扭转分析(论文).pdf 第1页
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1252 2023·6·BuildingConstruction SCIENTIFICRESEARCH 究 研 科 学 小半径曲线连续梁桥体系转换过程扭转分析 袁义华 中铁七局集团第四工程有限公司 湖北武汉 430040 摘要:为分析小半径曲线连续梁桥体系转换过程中主梁扭转变化规律,指导施工安全,运用梁格法建立全桥 Midas 有限 元模型,运用 Abaqus 建立全桥实体模型,根据实桥施工过程应力监测方案,开展从 o" 块浇筑到成桥整个施工过程的应 力监测,通过计算值与实测值对比验证模型准确性后,进一步分析体系转换过程中小半径曲线连续梁桥发生的扭转现 象。研究表明,模型应力计算值可以与现场实测值较好吻合。小半径曲线连续梁桥存在较为明显的畸变扭转现象,并 且箱梁的畸变角和扭转角会随着体系转换的进行不断减小,预应力张拉会大大减小主梁的畸变和扭转效应。 关键词:桥梁工程;小半径曲线梁桥;施工监控;体系转换;扭转分析 中图分类号: TU99 文献标志码: A 文章编号:1004-1001(2023)06-1252-04 DOl:10.14144/j.cnki.jzsg.2023.06.057 TorsionAnalysis of Conversion Process of Small Radius Curved ContinuousBeamBridgeSystem YUANYihua The Fourth Engineering Co., Ltd., China Railway Seventh Bureau Group, Wuhan 430040, Hubei, China Abstract: To analyze the torsional changes of main beam during the conversion process of small radius curved continuous beam bridge system and guide construction safety, a Midas finite element model of the entire bridge is established using the beam grid method, and a solid model of the entire bridge is established using Abaqus. According to the stress monitoring plan during the construction process of the actual bridge, stress monitoring is carried out throughout the entire construction process from o* block pouring to the completion of the bridge; after verifying the accuracy of the model by comparing the calculated and measured values, further analysis is performed on the torsion phenomenon that occurrs in the small radius curve continuous beam bridge during the system conversion process. The research shows that the calculated stress values of the model can be in good agreement with the onsite measured values. There is a significant phenomenon of distortion and torsion in small radius curved continuous beam bridges, and the distortion angle and torsion angle of the box beam will continue to decrease as the system conversion progresses. Pre-tensioning can greatly reduce the distortion and torsion effect of the main beam. Keywords: bridge engineering; small radius curved beam bridge; construction monitoring; system conversion; torsion analysis 受山川、地形和既有线路等的影响,在40~250 m 的跨 径范围内,曲线连续梁因为造型优美、视觉效果良好,受到 设计师们的青睐。但与直线梁桥不同的是,在受到竖向荷载 时,主梁除会发生竖向弯曲外,还因为曲率的存在,不可避 免地出现扭转现象,即弯扭耦合效应,容易导致内侧支座脱 空,甚至引起梁体倾覆,严重影响施工及运营安全[ 1-3] 。为 此,刘兆光等人建议在曲线梁桥设计过程中选择成熟的空间 计算软件详细分析曲线梁桥的空间特性,采取有效的构造措 施避免支座脱空、平面爬升等病害发生[ 4] 。葡鹏臻等人研究 基金项目:湖北省交通运输厅科技项目(2022-11-2-8)。 作者简介:袁