2017年 3月上
第46卷 第 5期
DOI:10.7672/s 82O17050012
深 基 坑 开 挖 对 邻 近 高 速 铁 路 桥 墩 桩 基 变 形 影 响 分 析 术
郑 明 新 ,夏 一 鸣 ,袁 钎 ,吴 刚
(1.华东交通大学道桥与岩土工程研究所,江西 南昌 330013;2.广州地铁集团有限公司
运营事业总部,广东 广州 510310)
[摘要】以福建莆田220kV框架保护涵下穿高速铁路莆田特大桥深基坑工程为背景,运用有限元软件 ABAQUES建
和桩基变形规律:基坑开挖使桥墩桩基产生了附加变形 ,桥墩承台及桩基有明显向基坑发生水平移动趋势;同一桥
墩各桩基最大水平位移均出现在桩基顶部,244号桥墩最大值为 7.22ram,245号桥墩最大值为 6.80ram;各桩基变
形曲线呈缓 s形,随着开挖深度增加 ,同一桩基距桩顶0~28m段桩基水平位移不断增大,但下半段桩基水平位移
有背离基坑发生位移的趋势。通过实测数据和墩台沉降计算结果对 比可知,数值模拟计算结果与实测数据大致
[中图分类号]TU43 【文献标识码]A 【文章编号]1002—8498(2017)05-0012-04
Deform ation Analysis of Pile of Bridge Piers of H igh-speed Railway
Affected by Adjacent Deep Foundation Excavation
Zheng Mingxin ,Xia Yiming ,Yuan Qian ,Wu Gang
(1.Institute of Bri e&Road and Geotechnical Engineering,East China Jiaotong University,Nanchang,
Jiangxi 330013,China;2.Guangzhou Metro Group Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510310,China)
Abstract:Taking deep foundation excavation of frame protection culvert where underneath passing bridge
of high—speed railway for example,this paper analyzed deformation discipline of piers and piles where
adjacent deep foundation by using finite element software to establish dimensional numerical model and
applying to M--C model to simulate deep foundation excavation where adjacent to bridge piers of high--
speed railway.The results show that foundation excavation causes additional internal forces and additional
deformation of piles of piers and obvious tendency to move levelly to foundation;the maximum horizontal
displacement of piles on the same piers placed on the top of the piles,and the maximum horizontal
displacement of the piles of the No.244 piers was 7.22 mm,and the piles of the No.245 piers was
6.8mm;the deformation curve of the piles of the No.244 piers was consistent with No.245 piers and was
similar to S,as the depth of the foundation excavation,the level displacement where was apart from top
of the piles with 0~28 m decreased and moved to foundation,but the level displacement of the other part
was depa~from de~rmation.Calculated by comparing the measured results of the settlement data and
pier,obtained numerical simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental data.
Key words:deep foundation excavation;piles;deformation;simulation
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