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文麻高速公路滑坡机制与防治措施研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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·2486 · 文麻高速公路滑坡机制与防治措施研究 黎华林, 周小雄, 向 锐, 郑志勇 (中交第二公路勘察设计研究院有限公司,430058,武汉) 摘 要: 文麻高速公路 YK 14+580~YK 14+740 段在路堑开挖初期即对边坡施加了以抗滑桩为主的加固 措施,但上部坡体仍存在较大滑坡风险,产生了大量裂缝。因此,通过现场勘查和现场监测等方法对滑坡体 进行了圈定,采用定性分析和定量计算方法开展了滑坡机制分析,并提出了相应的防治措施。结果表明,文 麻高速YK 14+580~YK 14+740 段坡体可圈定出H1、H2和H3 共3个滑坡区域,分别属于大型中层牵引式岩 土体滑坡、中型中层牵引式岩土体滑坡和小型浅层牵引式土体滑坡;古滑坡复活、地形陡倾、岩土体破碎软 弱、雨水入渗和人类工程活动是诱发滑坡形成的主要因素;采用长抗滑桩 +长锚索 +截排水沟的方式可取得 有效的滑坡防治效果。 关键词: 文麻高速公路;稳定性分析;滑坡治理;抗滑桩 中图分类号:TU 74 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-4726(2023)20-2486-07 STUDY ON THE LANDSLIDE MECHANISM AND CONTROL MEASURES OF WENSHAN- MALIPO HIGHWAY LI Hua-lin, ZHOU Xiao-xiong, XIANG Rui, ZHENG Zhi-yong (CCCC Second Highway Consultants Co., Ltd., 430058, Wuhan, China) Abstract: At the early stage of cutting excavation, reinforcement measures, mainly using anti- slide pile, were applied to support the slope of the section YK14+580~YK14+740 of Wenshan-Malipo highway. However, there is still a rick of landslide on the upper slope, resulting in a large number of cracks. Therefore, the landslide zones had been delineated through field investigation, and the landslide mechanism had been studied through qualitative analysis and quantitative calculation method, and corresponding prevention measures had been proposed. The results show that H1, H2, and H3 landslide zones can be delineated of the section YK 14+580~YK 14+740 of Wenshan-Malipo Highway, and they belong to large-level middle layer traction rock-soil landslide, middle-level middle layer traction rock-soil landslide and small-level middle layer traction soil landslide. The reactivation of ancient landslides, steep terrain, weak and low strength of rock and soil, rainwater infiltration, and engineering activities are the main factors to induce the formation of landslides. The method of combined long anti-slide piles, long anchor cable and intercepting and drainage ditch can achieve effective landslide prevention and control effects. Keywords: Wenshan- Malipo highway; stability analysis; landslide treatment; anti-slide pile 滑坡是影响我国高速公路施工、运行安全和威胁 坡体上、下方居民生命财产安全的重大地质灾害之 一 [1],将造成重大经济损失、人员伤亡并阻滞正常施 工及交通运行。在高速公路建造过程中,路堑开挖改 变了边坡岩土体的初始应力状态,工程开挖扰动、降 雨充沛、重力作用、地震活跃或荷载不均等诱发因 素,极有可能引起古滑坡复活,在施工阶段或运营阶 段产生滑坡灾害 [2],不仅影响正常施工、延误工期、 造成重大经济损失,还可能引发交通事故,造成人员 伤亡。因此,对公路滑坡的成因机制进行分析并采取 适当的防治措施是高速公路建造过程中的重中之重。 学者和工程技术人员大多针对路堑开挖后未加 固状态下的边坡滑