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吊桥折叠式上塔式起重机通道与爬架同步提升技术在施工现场中的应用(论文).pdf 第1页
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·34· 现有的吊桥折叠式上塔式起重机通道,往往一端 固定在楼层上,另一端固定在塔式起重机标准节上, 随着施工的进程,楼层不断增高,塔式起重机不断升 高,吊桥折叠式上塔式起重机通道距离塔式起重机驾 驶室距离不断升高,此时需要拆掉吊桥折叠式上塔式 起重机通道,在更高楼层重新安装吊桥折叠式上塔式 起重机通道,费时费力,且存在安全隐患。 为此,提出一种吊桥折叠式上塔式起重机通道与 爬架同步提升施工技术。 1 吊桥折叠式上塔式起重机通道与爬架同步 提升技术工艺原理 吊桥折叠式上塔式起重机通道与爬架同步提升 技术首先通过40 mm×60 mm ×2 mm 的方管焊接形 成通道整体受力框架,然后在通道整体受力框架上 焊接冲孔防护网片,受力框架两侧纵向方管上焊接 40 mm× 60 mm×2 mm及20 mm× 20 mm×2.5 mm的 方管防护栏杆。再同样利用40 mm ×40 mm ×2.5 mm 吊桥折叠式上塔式起重机通道与爬架同步提升 技术在施工现场中的应用 李  俊 1,刘  刚 1,李国政 1,陈昌海 1,程  川 2 (1. 中国建筑第二工程局有限公司,北京 100160;2. 中建二局重庆实业有限公司,重庆 404100)    [摘 要 ] 吊桥折叠式上 塔式起重机 通道与爬架同步提升技术适用于外架采用全钢式附着升降脚手架 (简称爬架 )的高层、超高层建筑与 塔式起重机 之间的吊桥折叠式上 塔式起重机 通道。首先通过方管焊接 形成通道整体受力框架,并在框架两侧通过方管焊接形成防护栏杆,然后在整体受力框架上焊接冲孔防护 网片形成吊桥折叠式上 塔式起重机 通道。整体定型化吊桥折叠式上 塔式起重机 通道吊装至爬架第四步走道 板位置后,通道尾部与爬架立杆龙骨采用螺栓连接,通道中部及前端分别焊接有圆钢吊环,钢丝绳一端与 通道圆钢吊环连接,钢丝绳另一端与爬架导轨立杆相连接。每当施工完一层,由 塔式起重机 司机将通道最 前端的翻板收回,并将靠近爬架处的防护门上锁,全钢附着升降脚手架带动整体定型化吊桥折叠式上 塔式 起重机 通道同步提升。    [关键词 ] 吊桥;折叠式;爬架;同步    [中图分类号]  TU 74      [文献标志码]  A     [文章编号]  1001 -523X (2023 )12-0034 -04 THE APPLICATION OF SYNCHRONOUS LIFTING TECHNOLOGY FOR THE CHANNEL AND CLIMBING FRAME OF THE FOLDING TOWER CRANE WITH SUSPENSION BRIDGE IN THE CONSTRUCTION SITE Li Jun, Liu Gang, Li Guo-zheng, Chen Chang-hai, Cheng Chuan    [Abstract ] The synchronous lifting technology of folding tower crane passage and climbing frame is suitable for the high-rise lifting bridge with all-steel attached lifting scaffolding (climbing frame) and super high-rise building and tower crane. First, the overall force frame of the channel is formed through the square pipe welding, and the protective railing is formed on both sides of the frame. Then, the punching protective mesh is welded on the overall stressed frame to form the folding tower crane channel of the crane bridge. After the passage of the folding tower crane of the overall fixed suspension bridge is lifted to the position of the fourth step of the climbing frame, the tail of the channel is connected with the climbing pole keel. In the middle and front of the channel are welded with the round steel lifting ring. One end of the wire rope is connected with the round steel lifting ring of the channel, and the other end of the wire rope is connected with the guide rod of the climbing rail. After the first floor is completed, the tower crane driver will withdraw the turning plate at the front end of the channel and lock the protective door near the climbing frame. The whole steel is attached to the lifting scaffold to drive the overall fixed suspension bridge to upgrade the folding tower crane channel synchronously.    [Keywords ] suspension bridge; folding; climbing frame; synchronization 收稿日期 :2023–09–25 基金项目: 重庆市建设科技计划(城科字2022第 8–13号) 作者简介 :李俊(1992—),男,云南石林人,工程师,主要研究 方向为施工技术。?说[ 建 筑 技 术 开 发 Construction Technology Building Technology Development 第50卷 2023 ?128 · 35· 的方管及冲孔防护网片焊接成翻板框架,最后通过 25 mm直螺纹套筒及22 mm钢筋,将通道整体受力框 架和翻板框架焊接形成整体定型化吊桥折叠式上塔式 起重机通道,通道在靠近过道一端安装防护门组件以 及安全锁。 整体定型化吊桥折叠式上塔式起重机通道吊装至 爬架合适位置后,通道尾部与爬架立