B uildin g Technology D evelopm entVWXY
R o a d s a n d B r i d g e sISN- I X C
2 0 2 1年4月复杂地质条件下公路隧道施工
技术应用分析沙英超( 中铁建大桥工程局集团第五工程有限公司,成 都 610500)[摘要]主要简单介绍了公路隧道施工的相关内容,阐述了复杂地质条件下公路隧道的施工技术,以断裂破碎带为例来探
下公路隧道施工的可持续发展,实现公路隧道施工经济效益最大化。[关键词]复 杂 地 质 条 件 ;公 路 隧 道 ;施 工 技 术 ;有效应用措施[中图分类号]T U753 ; U455.4 [文献标志码]B [文章编号]1001-523X (2021) 07-00101-02技旨旨加相杂成为相会, 技,成加立届相届 会了 研相强在汇成立 首交,,志加 期会,届为开交杂为相会, 首志杂在,会加会强立
under Complex Geological Conditions7yi Ying-chao« UIXYcZoY ] This paper briefly introduces the relevant content o f highway tunnel construction, expounds the construction
technology of highway tunnel under complex geological conditions, taking fracture zone as an example to explore the specific application
measures o f highway tunnel construction technology under complex geological conditions. to strengthen the research on highway tunnel
construction under complex geological conditions; to promote the feasibility o f highway tunnel construction under complex geological
conditions. Continuous development maximizes the economic benefits o f highway tunnel construction.校 好志立汇会开流届 ] complex geological conditions ; highway tunnel ; construction technique ; effective application measures p ? ???<W3iB)? ? ???<WB?,: ?uP ?C ?q3R―n^c ?_
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