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小直径长距离隧道二次衬砌施工供配电技术(论文).pdf 第1页
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插木司施杂施丨工程 ENGINEERINGh????G??(!_?IA•1?wx??? 6? ??? '6 中 建 三 局 基 础 设 施 建 设 投 资 有 限 公 司 湖 北 武 汉 4 3 0 0 7 3飞 充 庆依托武汉大东湖核心区污水传输系统工程,对小直径长距离隧道二次衬砌施工供配电技术进行研究。主要研究 与结论如下:将照明主电缆与动力主电缆分开,避免施工作业面转换时出现间歇断电现象;通过研发设计新型稳压装 置 ,延长了低压供电距离,保证隧道安全施工;采用多用电缆钩和二次衬砌电缆支架布置电缆的方式,减少施工作业 类型转换时电缆布置工作量,起到了一物多用的效果;采用定长主电缆与配电台车组合使用,每次作业面前移时仅需 新布主电缆即可,其余电缆随设备一同移动。经过严密的施工组织设计,工程3 个单作业面供电距离超过1.5 k m的区间 在此供配电技术下均顺利完成二次衬砌施工作业。未吴洞:小直径隧道;二次衬砌施工;低压供电;升压稳压装置发煤底慧荞庆TU9 9 文 献标志码:A 文 章 编 号 :1 0 0 4 - 1 0 0 1 ( 2 0 2 1 ) 0 8 - 1 5 7 6 - 0 3 D O I: 10.1 4 1 4 4 /j.cnki.j z s g.2021.0 8 . 0 4 72 ( 二 行 上 ) 志 ? ? 开组 内 外 发 卷 公3 中上公/ 志 中公( 外 8 行 1 _ 外 ( 开( 办 组 4( 上 ) 行 1 ( 外 发 内 上 组 杂 公外 公外 办 海 ( 外 3 中上志 1 中公( 外 ( 4 ) 管 内 开开司 发 公内 管 行 中 行 上 内 外 发 杂 ( 外 办 司 发 公3 中 内 外 1 行 8 志 外 外 行 开签外施放)总旅主)总旅 ?公国• 家|)志第卷|总旅 项家公国• ?4)海|. • 工 家 |)第卷| CCTEB In fra s tru c tu re C o n stru ctio n Inve stm e nt Co., Ltd., W uha n, Hubei 430073, ChinaCOPNYRLNE Relying on the sewage transmission system project in the core area of Wuhan Dong Lake, the power supply and distribution technology for secondary lining construction of small-diameter and long-distance tunnel is studied. The main research and conclusions are as follows: the main lighting cables are separated from the main power cable to avoid intermittent power failure during the conversion of the construction working fa c e; the new voltage stabilizing device is researched and designed to extend the low-voltage power supply distance and ensure the safety of tunnel construction; the multi-purpose cable hooks and secondary lining cable support are used to layout the cables, which can reduce the workload of cable arrangement in the conversion of construction operation types and achieves the multi-purpose effect; the fixed length main cable is used in combination with the distribution trolley, which achieves the effect that only new main cable is needed and other cables move with the equipment when the operation moves forward. Through strict construction organization design, the secondary lining construction in the sections with power supply distance of more than 1.5 km of three single working faces is successfully completed under this power supply and distribution technology. Keywords: small-diameter tunnel; secondary lining construction; low-voltage power supply; voltage boosting and stabilizing device[?6jh?}????U???R?%^、xx?? e x、 N??~\?)????????????? ~【??5—???