Building Technology DevelopmentID ?s
E n g in e e rin g a n d T e c h n o lo g yse b u s mk0
2 0 2 1年5月滑坡体等复杂地质条件下隧道进洞施工技术张文坤优 收和方加士(核总会出版首批学术龙俭 问 埋 阳 座衣互层层层仅[摘要]我国中西部地区公路修建不可避免地要在复杂地质条件下修建隧道,这对隧道安全顺利进洞施工技术带来了巨大
施 工 参 考 。[ 关 键 词 ]螺旋隧道;滑 坡 ;偏压[中 图 分 类 号 ]T U71 [文 献 标 志 码 ]B [ 文 章 编 号 ] 1001-523X ( 2 0 2 1 ) 1 0 - 0 0 8 9 - 0 4论刊心定批全光期批电刊心 统)期收心刊总刊学录 刊首 统光心心)总 国心批全录 计心盘)全 论刊广遴总)-
Geological Conditions Such as Landslide( F p v K W en-kunAbstract ] In Mid-western China, the construction o f tunnels is inevitably required during the construction o f highways under
complex geological conditions, which poses a huge challenge to safe and smooth tunnel construction technology. Based on the geolog
ical conditions o f high and steep landslides at the entry section o f the flat ground spiral tunnel, the tunneling technology under the high
and steep landslide geological conditions is discussed, and comprehensive construction technologies such as adding anti-sliding piles,
grouting reinforcement o f mountain bodies, and follow-up o f long pipe sheds are proposed. The safe and smooth tunnel entry is ensured
through the application o f a series o f technologies, and reference for the tunnel entry construction in other similar high and steep land
slide geological conditions is provided.[Keywords ] spiral tunnel ; landslide ; bias voltage《4 f ?2 u4 f ???}%&?( ? ? ? u? ?
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