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疲劳处理对钢组合桥梁使用寿命和可持续性的影响(论文).pdf 第1页
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·956 · 疲劳处理对钢组合桥梁使用寿命 和可持续性的影响 凌 广 (北京深华达交通工程检测有限公司,102299,北京) 摘 要: 为延长钢组合桥梁的使用寿命,使其成为可持续长期使用的基础设施,对钢组合桥梁疲劳性能 的改善至关重要。研究表明,通过对钢组合桥梁关键接口进行高频机械冲击( HFMI)疲劳处理,可显著延 长焊接结构的使用寿命。同时在钢组合桥梁中使用高强度钢材并结合高频机械冲击处理,能减少组合桥梁钢 材的用量,提高组合桥梁疲劳设计的经济性。此外,对结构现有焊缝进行 HFMI处理,也能够在一定程度上 延长结构的使用寿命。如何通过 HFMI疲劳处理技术在保证结构质量的情况下验证其对不同钢组合桥梁的适 用性,成为本次研究的关键问题。研究了两个通过 HFMI处理组合桥梁关键焊缝的典型案例,对 HFMI在高 强钢组合桥梁和厚板槽型钢组合桥梁中的应用效果进行了分析。研究结果对组合桥梁的疲劳设计、工程应用 和结构适用性有一定参考价值。 关键词:钢组合桥梁;疲劳应力;高频机械冲击;使用寿命 中图分类号:TU 74 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-4726(2023)08-0956-04 influence of fatigue treatment on Ser Vice life and SuStainability of Steel compoSite bridge LING Guang (Beijing Shenhuada Traffic Engineering Testing Co., Ltd., 102299, Beijing, China) abstract: In order to realize the service life of steel composite bridge and make it a sustainable infrastructure, it is very important to improve the fatigue performance of steel composite bridge. The results show that the service life of welded structure can be significantly prolonged by high frequency mechanical impact (HFMI) fatigue treatment on the key joints of steel composite bridge. At the same time, the use of high strength steel combined with high frequency mechanical shock treatment in steel composite bridge can reduce the amount of steel used in composite bridge and improve the economy of fatigue design of composite bridge. In addition, HFMI treatment on the existing welds of the structure can also extend the service life of the structure to a certain extent. How to verify the applicability of HFMI fatigue treatment technology to different steel composite bridges under the condition of ensuring the structural quality has become the key problem of this study. This paper studies two typical cases of treating key welds of composite bridge by HFMI, and analyzes the application effect of HFMI in high strength steel composite bridge and thick plate channel steel composite bridge. The research results have certain reference value for fatigue design, engineering application and structural applicability of composite bridges. Keywords: steel composite bridge; fatigue stress; high frequency mechanical shock; service life 1 工程概况 大量研究表明,高频机械冲击(以下简称 HFMI)技术在桥梁关键接口和焊缝上的应用,实现 了桥梁寿命的延长和材料的高效使用,达到了节约资 源、降低施工成本的作用。在钢组合桥梁施工中,同 时使用高强度钢材和 HFMI技术可以使高强钢材在 桥梁结构中实现更为合理的使用。胡宗文等 [1]对多 跨四车道公路的钢组合桥梁进行研究,钢组合桥梁在 设计时分别采用 Q345级钢材和 Q690级钢材, Q345 钢截面类型为 a类,对于 Q690级钢材,