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海外公路刚构桥施工组织优化与适应性设计(论文).pdf 第1页
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· 97· 海外公路刚构桥施工组织优化与适应性设计 张传令 (中铁十局集团有限公司亚太分公司,济南 250000)    [摘 要 ] 以肯尼亚Baricho公路桥建设为研究实例,系统阐述了在国际化背景下项目建设所面临的经 济、文化、技术应用等方面限制因素,借鉴国外工程施工组织成功经验,通过执行综合指导施工,开展了 多项有效并行措施,解决了复杂限制因素下的施工难点。针对工程关键控制节点,提出“重点先行、分段 开展”的指导原则,开展了适应性具体设计与施工组织研究,保证了工程建设质量和施工效能。相关研究 结果将为海外类似桥梁工程建设任务提供重要借鉴。    [关键词 ] 肯尼亚Baricho;公路桥建; 海外工程    [中图分类号]  U4       [文献标志码]  B     [文章编号]  1001 -523X (2022 )09-0097 -04 OPTIMIZATION AND ADAPTIVE DESIGN OF CONSTRUCTION ORGANIZATION OF RIGID FRAME BRIDGES ON OVERSEAS HIGHWAYS-BARICHO BRIDGE, KENYA Zhang Chuan-ling    [Abstract ] In the past ten years, my country's integration into the global economy has been accelerating. Enterprises in many fields are actively expanding overseas markets in a favorable environment.Among them, the engineering construction industry has become the leader, undertaking large-scale public infrastructure construction tasks in many countries and regions.Taking the construction of the Baricho highway bridge in Kenya as a research example, this paper systematically expounds the constraints of economy, culture, technology application and other aspects that the project construction faces in the context of internationalization, and draws on the successful experience of foreign engineering construction organizations.A number of effective parallel measures have been taken to solve the construction difficulties under complex constraints.Aiming at the key control nodes of the project, the guiding principle of focusing on first and developing in stages is put forward, and research on adaptive specific design and construction organization is carried out to ensure the construction quality and construction efficiency of the project.The relevant research results will provide an important reference for similar overseas bridge engineering construction tasks.    [Keywords ] Kenya Baricho; highway bridge construction; overseas engineering 近年我国海外工程总承包建设业务发展迅速, 获得良好的发展机会。以中国企业对奥地利的承包工 程规模为例, 2012 — 2017 年我国对外承包工程业务完 成营业额从 1 166 亿美元增长到约 1685.9 亿美元,增长 收稿日期: 2022–02–25 作者简介 :张传令(1983—),男,山东菏泽人,高级工程师,主 要研究方向为土木工程。 4 结束语 正演成果表明,探地雷达在判别断层破碎带及溶 洞发育形态,岩溶构造的规模位置等信息时较可靠, 通过反射波的相位和振幅的分析能初步定性给出异常 体的表征形态,通过建立灰岩地区典型的岩溶构造地 质模型,分析了地质异常体的成像特征,为实际工作 中地质雷达解译提供理论依据。基于地质雷达正演模 拟的研究成果,将其应用在重庆某高速公路隧道的超 前地质预报工作中,准确预报了隧道前方围岩的地质 异常情况,证明地质雷达法在隧道超前预报工作中是 简便的,准确率高的一种工作方法。只探讨了灰岩地 区最典型的岩溶构造地质雷达响应特征,对其余岩溶 构造赋存情况的地质雷达响应特征未能全面分析研 究,如岩溶裂隙、陷落柱等其他岩溶构造及各岩溶构 造之间的复杂组合等。另外,岩溶构造不同充填物也 有不同的响应特征,如充填泥浆、充填干砂、碎石土 等,这将是后续工作进一步探讨的重点。 参考文献 [1] 韩永琦. 探地雷达时域有限差分正演研究[D].武汉:中国地质大 学,2007. [2] K.S.Yee.Numerical solution of initial boundary value problems involving maxwell ’s equations in isotropic media[J].IEEE Trans.On Antennas Propagation ,1966,14,302–307. [3] 郭立,崔喜红,陈晋. 基于GprMax正演模拟的探地雷达根系探测 敏感因素分析[J].地球物理学进展,2012,27(4):1754–1763. [4] 李枝文,郑志高,高建,等. 探地雷达隧道超前预报的数值模拟 及应用分析[J].中州煤炭,2016(7):143–147. [5] 喻振华,冯德山,戴前伟,等. 复杂地电模型的探地雷达时域有 限差分正演[J]物探化探计算技术,2005,27(4):279–283. EC?? 建   ?   技    6    '   & Roads and B