建筑施工·第44卷·第6期 1347
许海林 他林波 祝红伟 陈 韬
云南建投第五建设有限公司 云南 昆明 650106
摘要: 云南镇雄县南部新区新型城镇化综合建设项目三孔景观桥主拱圈设计跨径115 m,采用悬拼拱架现浇法施工,
关键词: 现浇拱桥施工;拱架;预压;水袋法
U448 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004-1001(2022)06-1347-04 DOI: 10.14144/j.cnki.jzsg.2022.06.055
Water Bag Preloading Construction Technology of Arch Frame
of Zhenxiong Three Holes Landscape Bridge
XU Hailin TA Linbo ZHU Hongwei CHEN Tao
YCIH No.5 Construction Co., Ltd., Kunming, Yunnan 650106, China
Abstract: The design span of the main arch ring of the three holes landscape bridge of the new urbanization
comprehensive construction project in the southern New Area of Zhenxiong County, Yunnan Province is 115 m, which
is constructed by the cast -
in -
situ method of suspended arch frame, and the arch frame is preloaded by water bag
method. Through water bag preloading, the assembly quality and bearing capacity of steel arch frame are effectively
tested to ensure the safety of steel arch frame in the construction process. At the same time, the inelastic deformation of
arch frame is eliminated, and the elastic deformation value of arch frame is obtained to ensure the linearity and quality
of concrete box arch after forming. The practice proves that the water bag preloading construction technology is an
efficient, economic, energy -
saving and environmental protection in -
situ support preloading construction technology,
which has strong reference and promotion value in similar projects in China.
c ast- in -s it u a rc h b rid ge c onstr u ctio n; a rc h fr a m e; p re lo ad in g ; w ate r b ag m eth od
1 工程概况
云 南镇雄县南部新区新型城镇化综合建设项目三孔
景 观桥总长179.6 2 m , 主拱圈轴线为悬链线,设计跨径
1 1 5 m , 设计矢高为23 m , 矢跨比1/5 , 悬链线拱轴系数为
2 .2 4( 图1) 。
1551 .4 8 3 m (起 拱线高程)
计算跨径 L=115 m
镇毕路 3.8 8%
4 ×1 2m 26 m 4×1 2m 五环路北段
图1 主桥桥型立面布置示意
拱 圈拱顶设计预拱度为143.8 m m, 其余位置预拱度
按 二次抛物线分配。拱圈采用C50混 凝土,截面高度为
2 .6 m , 单幅拱圈宽度为14.6 m , 单幅拱圈为单箱5室 截面。
腹 板厚25 c m , 顶、底板厚度为25 c m , 横隔板厚为30 c m 。
广 泛应用,该方法能有效地解决山区峡谷钢筋混凝土拱桥
施 工中场地限制的问题。在拱架悬拼完成后,主拱圈现浇
施 工前,还需对拱架进行预压荷载试验,以检验拱架力学
性 能以及收集主拱圈预拱度设置的相关