建筑技术开发 地基与基础 第48卷 _ 4 期
B u ilding T echnology D ev elo p m en t F o u n d a t i o n a n d B a s e m e n t 2021 年2 月城??山施委选壤2学术
库克R ? ? 数 委 数 碰 董 学 刊 土 所 普 意 园 库? 出♦♦♦♦闻造? 3 山 世 城 ? 委 郝 收 山 ? 万 居 库施委—?部库13强?山万居收*图选撞在图库n陈山施委学术然?设库
o 世 库置施委兵???$?燕收壤2学术辉强?山??跃耀 库,男城?山施委收3)库桩调联??壤2学术置山??
壤2铁收空得库装委郝注浆;所?*收D?邢跃? 光 径 % 城 ? 委 郝 & 山 施 委 &壤 2 学 术 &空得?铁 ( , W 乡 T U972 ; U416.1 [文 献 标 志 码] B [ 文 章 编 号 ] 1001-523X (2021) 04^0163-02加期筑苜作筑筑期届强 届强 第开开.期苜卷幵期届强 届术 相期.交 立届作强与卷幵期届强 会届强筑幵和作苜幵期届强 卷强与
Testing Technology of Road and Bridgetjzif M ia o, Zhang Hui ; T 8oZQuGZ ] Pile foundation is the foundation structure o f road and bridge engineering, and its construction is very difficult, especially
to ensure the stability and safety o f pile foundation structure. Although the pile foundation construction technology is becoming more and
more mature, it also needs the help o f advanced detection technology to ensure the quality o f pile foundation. Therefore, analyzing the
key points o f road and bridge pile foundation construction, and discussing the application o f several detection technologies in the quality
detection o f pile foundation have certain guiding significance for engineering practice.有 的交,业届和与筑 ] road and bridge engineering ; pile foundation construction ; detection technology ; applicationW? v ?? ^?z [?_??? ?K7? uy?
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