2018年 1月下
第 47卷 第 2期
施 工 技 术
双 幅 并 制 式 移 动 模 架 造 桥 机 仿 真 与 试 验 对 比 分 析
慕 生 勇 ,关 泽 强 ,桂 发 军
(1.西安特种设备检验检测院,陕西 西安 710064;2.长安大学道路施工技术与
装备教育部重点实验室,陕西 西安 710064)
[摘要]以某双幅并制式移动模架造桥机作为研究对象 ,在多种仿真计算方法中,选择有限元软件 ANSYS对该造
[关键词]双幅并制;造桥机;有限元分析;预压试验 ;预拱度
[中图分类号]U445.36 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002—8498(2018)02~081—03
Sim ulation and Experim ental Analysis of M ovable Scaffolding System
for Double Am plitude Integral Casting Overhead Launching G antry
MU Shengyong ,GUAN Zeqiang ,GUI Fajun
(1.xi’an Special Equipment Inspection Institution,Xi’an,Shaanxi 710064,China;
2.Key Laboratory r Highway Construction Technology and Equipment of
Ministry ofEducation,Chang’an University。X ’an,Shaanx 710064.China)
Abstract:Movable scaffolding system overhead launching gantry is taken as research object,which has
double amplitude integral casting function.tHe type of finite element sofiware ANSYS was selected in a
variety of simulation calculation method to check the rigidity and strength of overhead launching gantry.
According to the results of the calculation,the stress and deformation test points were determined of
preloading test,and the simulation and experimental data was compared and analyzed.The results
showed that:the analysis and experimental results were basically coincide,and the overhead launching
gantry meet the using conditions.The measured deflection curve could provide reference for adjusting the
pre—camber.The stress on the left and right side of girder web plate stress appeared deviation in loading
processing,the observation and detection should be strengthened in the construction processing,
especially in the processing of wind load.The qualitative analysis of key factors to cause stress deviation
had been carried out. Through theoretical and experimental contrast,ANSYS has applicability in
simulation calculation.
Key words:double amplitude integral casting;overhead launching gantry;finite element analysis;
preloading test;pre-camber
0 引 言
移 动模 架 以 快 速 施 工 、不 需 预 制 梁 场 、不 影 响
施 工 现 场 桥 下 交 通 等 诸 多 优 点 ,应 用 于 世 界 各
地 ¨。 。尤 其 是 国 内 高铁 高 速 发 展 时 期 ,国 内 的 移
动模 架也 是 高速 发 展 ,但 造 桥 机 属 于 大 型非 标 准 化
设 备 ,目前 国 内还 没