建 筑 技 术 开 发 Building Technology Development 施工技术 Construction Technology 第45卷第 11期 2018年6月
特 大 桥 梁 箱 梁 承 重 支 架 施 工 技 术 要 点 探 析
周 焕 , 胡 辉
(1.中交上航 局航 道 建设 有 限公 司 ,浙 江 宁波 315200;2.宏润 建设 集 团股份 有 限公 司,浙 江宁 波 315000)
[摘 要]随着桥梁建设的不断发展 ,越来越多先进的施工技术被有效应用,使得桥梁建设的水平有了明显提升,特别是近
要点进行深入研究,对 旨在为提升桥梁建设水平、提高支架法施质量提供一些参考。
[关键词 ]特大桥梁 ;现浇箱梁 ;承重支架
[中图分类号 ]U445.469 [文献标志码 ]B [文章编号 ]1001—523X (2018)l1-oO51_Jo3
A nalysis of Construction Techniques of Load.bearing Bracket of
Super Large Bridge BOX G irder
Zhou Huan,H1l Hui
[Abstract】With the continuous development of bridge construction,more and more advanced construction techniques have
been effectively applied,which has greatly improved the level of bridge construction.Especially in recent years,in the construction of
super-long span bridges in China,through the analysis ofmechanical properties.The use ofbox girder form,Call increase the aesthetics
of the bridge,and reduce the weight of the bridge itself.There are many construction methods for the construction of girder bridge
girder.Among them,the stent method has the characteristics of ideal construction cycle,low deformation rate and less construction
consumption.However,the construction intensity is large and the technical application needs to be fuil~er improved.In this paper,in—
depth study will be conducted in connection with the project of Shipu Expressway connecting line,the design of key support platform ,
the construction technology of support and the key points of quality control,which will provide some references for improving the level
ofbridge construction and improving the quality ofsupport system.
[Keywords]extra large bridge:cast—in-place box girder;load—bearing bracket
1 工程概况
本工程为石浦高速公路新桥连接线 (下七里至大圻头公
收稿日期 :2018--03—26
作者简介 :周焕 (198l一),男,浙江宁波人,工程师,主要研究方
3.4 二次结构砌筑与内墙抹灰
3.5 快速封堵吊模施工技术
该技术主要的用语管道预留洞封堵,其 目的是加强管道