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双室混凝土箱梁桥横向弯曲分析的简化方法(论文).pdf 第1页
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·683 · 双室混凝土箱梁桥横向弯曲分析的简化方法 马 涛, 肖 为 (中交第二公路勘察设计研究院有限公司,430056,武汉) 摘 要: 箱梁桥是跨度超过 25 m的桥梁的最佳选择之一,对于这些桥梁的研究,三维有限元分析是最 合适的方法,然而,在常规设计中进行三维分析既困难又耗时;此外,用于三维分析的软件非常昂贵,因此, 设计人员采用简化分析,以预测纵向和横向弯矩,在众多用于求横向弯矩的分析方法中,简化框架分析(S FA ) 是最简单且在设计室中应用最广泛的一种。简化框架分析的结果可用于混凝土箱梁桥的初步分析,从文献回 顾中可以发现,目前采用 S FA所做的大部分工作仅限于对单箱单室梁桥的分析,对多室混凝土箱梁桥的分 析工作做得不多。本研究选择了一座双室混凝土箱梁桥,使用三维有限元软件对桥梁进行建模,然后将结果 与简化的框架分析进行比较,该研究的重点是建立 S FA得到横向弯矩值的修正因子。 关键词:混凝土箱梁;弯曲分析;有限元 中图分类号:TU 74 文献标志码:A 文章编号: 1000-4726(2023)06-0683-03 Simplified method for tranSverSe Bending analySiS of douBle chamBer concrete Box girder Bridge MA Tao, XIAO Wei (CCCC Second Highway Survey, Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., 430056, Wuhan, China) abstract: The box girder bridge is one of the best choices for bridges with a span of more than 25 m. For the study of these bridges, three-dimensional finite element analysis is the most appropriate method. However, three-dimensional analysis in conventional design is difficult and time- consuming; in addition, the software used for three-dimensional analysis is very expensive. Therefore, designers use simplified analysis to predict the longitudinal and transverse bending moments. Among many analysis methods used to calculate the transverse bending moments, SFA is the simplest and most widely used in the design room. The results of the simplified frame analysis can be used for the preliminary analysis of concrete box girder bridges. From the literature review, it can be found that most of the work done by SFA at present is limited to the analysis of single box and single cell girder bridges, and little is done to the analysis of multi cell concrete box girder bridges. In this study, a double cell concrete box girder bridge is selected, and three-dimensional finite element software is used to model the bridge, and then the results are compared with the simplified frame analysis. The focus of this study is to establish the correction factor of SFA to obtain the transverse bending moment value. Keywords: concrete box girder; bending analysis; finite element 桥面板是直接承受车辆轮压的承重结构,通过其 将可变荷载传给主梁,同时保证主梁间的整体作用, 其质量的好坏,直接影响桥梁的使用效果和寿命,而 桥面板开裂是目前新建连续梁出现问题最多的一个, 对其的研究分析显得尤为重要。 研究桥梁应力的方法较多 [1],如简支梁理论、简 化框架分析(以下简称 S FA)、等效梁法、弹性地 基梁法和有限元法。对桥面板的验算,在实际操作中 一般使用的是确定弯矩的简化框架分析法,该方法是 一种偏保守的简便算法,但桥梁设计人员在保证结构 安全的同时也要考虑到工程设计的经济合理,故世界 各国的工程设计师