建筑施工·第43卷·第9期 1885
侯建伟 1 徐金峰 2,3 谢雄耀 2,3 邓海明 4 钱正富 1
1. 云南交投集团投资有限公司 云南 昆明 650228;
2. 同济大学岩土及地下工程教育部重点实验室 上海 200092; 3. 同济大学地下建筑与工程系 上海 200092;
4. 昭通市昭泸高速公路投资开发有限公司 云南 昭通 657000
摘要: 为避免山区高速公路隧道施工穿越富水断层带时,出现的突泥涌水现象,结合工程实际,对公路隧道穿越红层
关键词: 公路隧道;富水断层带;地质预报;径向注浆;动态反馈
TU99 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004-1001(2021)09-1885-04 DOI: 10.14144/j.cnki.jzsg.2021.09.060
Study on Construction Technology of Highway Tunnel Crossing Multiple Water
Rich Fault Zones in Red Bed
HOU Jianwei 1 XU Jinfeng 2,3 XIE Xiongyao 2,3 DENG Haiming 4 QIAN Zhengfu 1
1. Yunnan Communications Investment and Construction Group Co., Ltd., Kunming, Yunnan 650228, China;
2. Key Laboratory of Geotechnical and Underground of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 3. Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China;
4. Zhaotong Zhaolu Highway Investment and Development Co., Ltd., Zhaotong, Yunnan 657000, China
In o rd er to a vo id th e p henom enon o f m ud in ru sh a nd w ate r in ru sh w hen th e h ig hw ay tu nnel c onstr u ctio n in
m ounta in ous a re a p assin g th ro ug h th e w ate r ric h fa ult z o ne, c om bin ed w it h th e e ng in eerin g p ra ctic e, th e c onstr u ctio n
t e chnolo g y o f h ig hw ay tu nnel p assin g th ro ug h th e re d b ed w ate r ric h fa ult z o ne is s tu d ie d . A fte r s u m mariz in g th e
e xp erie nce o f m any m ud a nd w ate r in ru sh a ccid en
ts w hen p assin g th ro ug h th e re d b ed w ate r ric h fa ult z o ne in
c entr a l Y unnan, th e m id dle p artit io n m eth od ra d ia l g ro utin g s c hem e in lin e w it h th e w eak w ate r ric h s u rro und in g ro ck
is prop osed , and the feasib ility and saf ety of the scheme are discussed throug h finit e element numerical simulation.
C om bin ed w it h tu nnel e xp lo ra tio n re su lt s , a d va nced g eolo g ic al p re d ic tio n a nd o n-s it e c onstr u ctio n, a c om p
le te s e t o f
i n fo rm atio n d yn am ic d esig n fe ed back m echanis m fo r e xp re ssw ay tu nnel c onstr u ctio n p assin g th ro ug h w ate r ric h fa ult
a nd o th er a d ve rs e g eolo g ic al s e ctio ns h as b een fo rm ed , a nd th e c onstr u ctio n p assin g th ro ug h th e w ate r ric h fa ult z o ne
h as b een s u ccessfu lly c om ple te d . T he s u m mariz e d e xp erie nce c an p ro vid e r e fe re nce fo r s im ila r tu nnel p ro je cts .
h ig hw ay tu nnel; w ate r r ic h fa ult z o ne; g eolo g
ic al p re d ic tio n; r a d ia l g ro utin g ; d yn am ic fe ed back
钱 七虎 [1 ]指 出在隧道施工中突水突泥灾害对重大地下
工 程建设安全的挑战相当严峻;李术才等
[2 ]针 对隧道建设
过 程中的突水突泥问题进行了致灾构造分类、地质判识、
孕 灾模式与典型案例分析,研究了不同类型致灾构造的结
构 特征、赋存规律和地质判识方法;张庆艳等
[3 ]通 过自行
研 制可考虑质量迁移及地应力状态的大型室内突水突泥试
验 系统进行富水断层破碎带隧道突水突泥灾害演化机制研
究 ,并建立了断层破碎带渗透演化特征概化模型;马栋等
[4 ]
依 托赣深高铁龙南隧道F8断 层施工,通过地表抽水试验获
取 断层破碎带岩土体的水文地质参数,提出“地质雷达+
T SP+ 超前钻孔”方法,并采用“分水降压+内堵外固+
安 全监测”措施