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预应力损失对大跨宽幅PC连续刚构桥挠度影响研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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·2708 · 预应力损失对大跨宽幅 PC 连续刚构桥挠度 影响研究 陈传勇 1, 王思文 1, 周 静 2, 曾 勇 2, 陈辉强 2 (1. 中交一公局第八工程有限公司,300170,天津;2. 重庆交通大学山区桥梁及隧道工程国家重点实验室, 400074,重庆) 摘 要: 近年来随着预应力混凝土技术以及悬臂施工技术的迅速发展,大跨宽幅 PC连续刚构桥得到了 较快的发展。但是研究分析发现,在时间的流逝中会出现预应力损失的现象,同时发现桥梁的挠度与预应力 损失之间的联系密不可分。以重庆首座高速公路、市政道路合建连续刚构桥——龙溪嘉陵江特大桥为研究对 象,运用有限元软件建立有限元模型,对钢筋管道摩阻以及混凝土截面的各类预应力钢束损失造成的桥梁下 挠问题进行研究,发现钢筋管道的摩擦阻力与桥梁下挠问题之间的联系较小,但钢束预应力损失对桥梁下挠 造成的影响较大,在桥梁下挠的问题中应重视此类问题。研究结果对大跨连续刚构桥的挠度控制方面有着积 极的意义。 关键词: 桥梁工程;预应力损失;连续刚构桥;长期挠度;有限元分析 中图分类号:TU 448 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-4726(2023)22-2708-06 RESEARCH ON THE IMPACT OF PRESTRESS LOSS ON DEFLECTION OF LARGE-SPAN WIDE PC CONTINUOUS RIGID FRAME BRIDGE CHEN C huan-yong 1, WANG S i-wen 1, ZHOU J ing 2, ZENG Y ong 2, CHEN H ui-qiang 2 (1. The Eighth Engineering Co., Ltd., of The First Highway Engineering Bureau of CCCC, 300170, Tianjin, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Mountain Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University, 400074, Chongqing, China) Abstract: In recent years, with the rapid development of prestressed concrete technology and cantilever construction technology, large-span wide PC continuous rigid frame bridges have been developed fast. However, research and analysis show that prestress loss occurs over time, and the deflection of bridges is closely associated with prestress loss. Taking Longxi Jialingjiang Super-large Bridge as the research object, which is the continuous rigid frame bridge over highways and municipal roads in Chongqing, a finite element model is built with finite element software. Through research on the impact of the frictional resistance of reinforced pipes and the prestress loss of prestressed steel cables of concrete sections on the deflection of the bridge, it is found that the frictional resistance of reinforced pipes is associated little with the deflection of the bridge, while the prestress loss of prestressed steel cables has significant impact on the deflection of the bridge. Importance should be attached to this aspect in terms of bridge deflection. Research results are of positive significance to control the deflection of large-span continuous rigid frame bridges. Keywords: bridge engineering; prestress loss; continuous rigid frame bridge; long-term deflection; finite element analysis 大跨径连续刚构桥长期下挠的发生并不是由某一 种因素导致的现象,而是在多种因素耦合下发生的。 预应力发生损失的情况会随时间显著积累。在预应力 发生损失时,其主要作用机理过程是由于在混凝土断 面上施加了一个预压力,帮助混凝土缓解外荷载带来 的受拉情况,避免混凝土出现开裂现象,从而达到避 免跨中产