第 49卷第 4期
2017年 8月
西安建筑科技大学学报(自然科学版) J.Xi an Univ.of Arch.& Tech.(Natural Science Edition) Vo1.49 No.4 Aug.2017
黏 土 浅 埋 隧 道 开 挖 面 稳 定 性 模 型 试 验 研 究
邹 金 杰 , 赵 宇 , 李 姣 阳 。”, 甘 鹏 路 ”, 闫 自 海 , 刘 维
(1.中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院,浙江杭州 311122;2.浙江大学 防灾工程研究所,浙江 杭州 310058;
3.中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司,湖北 武汉 430063;4.浙江大学滨海和城市岩土工程研究中心,浙江杭州 310058;
5.苏州大学 城市轨道交通学院,江苏 苏州 215131)
摘要:为研究不同加固条件下黏土隧道开挖面失稳发展过程及地表变形规律 ,采用轴对称半隧道模型,进行了无加固、管
棚加固和“管棚+水泥土”加固条件下的三组试验 ,研究了开挖面支护力、地表沉降规律和开挖面失稳发展过程 .研究发现,
管棚加固后的土样地表沉降明显减小,而水泥土加固对地表沉降的减小作用有限 .随着支护板位移增大 ,支护力出现快速
下降阶段、稳定阶段和丧失阶段 .开挖面失稳过程中,土体变形出现主要变形区域 、次要变形区域和变形延伸区域 .管棚
加固或“管棚+水泥土”加固能延缓变形向地表发展 ,“管棚+水泥土”加固还能降低开挖面附近土体变形大小和范围以及支
护力的大小 .
关键词:开挖面失稳 ;模型试验;地表沉降;管棚加固;土体变形
中图分类号:TU 41 文献标志码 :A 文章编号:1006—7930(2017)04—0478—07
M odel test study of the face stability of the shallow tunnel in the clay
ZOUJinjie ,ZHA0 ,L Jiaoyang。”,GAN Penglu “,Y-AN Zihai ,L工己,耽
(1.Power China Huadong Engineering Corporation,Hangzhou 3 1 1 1 2 2,China;
2.Institute of Disaster Prevention Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China;
3.China Railway No.4 Survey and Design Group Co.,Ltd.,Wuhan 430063,China;
4.Research Center of Coastal and Urban Geotechnical Engineering,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China;
5.School of Urban Rail Transp0rtation,Soochow University,Suzhou 2 1 5 1 3 1,China)
Abstract:In order to study the development of the tunnel face instability in the clay under different conditions of
reinforcements,by using of symmetry,half of the tunnel model was introduced to conduct three tests for no
reinforcement.pipe—shed reinforcement and“pipe—shed+ cemented soil”reinforcement.Support pressure on the
excavation face,ground deformation and the instability mode of the tunnel face were investigated.It was found that
the surface settlement decreased remarkably after the pipe—shed reinforcement,while the effect of the cemented soil
reinforcement on the reduction of the settlement was 1imited.With the increase in the face displacement。the
support pressure appeared three stages i.e.the rapid decline stage,steady stage and disappearing stage.During the
process of the tunnel face instability,the soil deformation appeared three regions,i.e.the main deformation areas,
secondary deformation areas and the extended areas.The pipe—shed reinforcement or“pipe—shed+ cemented soil”
reinforcement can de