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【交通物流】广州新站核心区概念规划设计.pdf 第1页
【交通物流】广州新站核心区概念规划设计.pdf 第2页
【交通物流】广州新站核心区概念规划设计.pdf 第3页
【交通物流】广州新站核心区概念规划设计.pdf 第4页
【交通物流】广州新站核心区概念规划设计.pdf 第5页
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Our Vision of Guangzhou New Railway Station Core Area … 广州 新 客 站 核心区 将会是… WORK 工作 Creating Place To Work, For You. 为你提供工作的场所。 LIVE 生活 Creating Place To Live, For You. 为你提供生活的场所。 PLAY 娱乐 Creating Place To Play, For You. 为你提供娱乐的场所。 LIFESTYLE IS A DRIVE FOR DESIGN. 生活方式是设计的驱动力。 WORK 工作 LIVE 生活 PLAY 娱乐 THREE KEY ELEMENTS 三个关键元素 MASTER PLANNING FOR GUANGZHOU NEW RAILWAY STATION REGION -- URBAN DESIGN FOR THE CORE AREA REGIONAL ANALYSIS 区域分析 The creation of the Pearl River Delta Initiative will link Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau with the southern provinces of China. This re - gional trading block will compete with other national regions including Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta and the Jing Jin Tang region of the north. While the development of these zones links land locked provinces with the sea, the orientation of these areas creates horizontal bands of development from the east to the west. While this economic development strategy will create wealth and prosperity for the inland provinces, by nature it this will create a competitive nature for these three political and economic powerhouses. While this may be important for the three entities the creation of a high speed rail corridor which links these economic development zones together will create a backbone of prosperity from the north to the south, linking Beijing and Macau/Hong Kong together. The introduction of a high speed rail connection between Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou and Beijing, will rapidly transform the urban fabric of Guangzhou Province and the nation. High speed rail links will create the opportunity for new satellite communities in which rail transport will serve as the primary means of transportation for residents of this new district. Throughout the world, new rail oriented transportation develop - ments are being constructed to create livable mixed use communities in which the train station becomes the gateway to the community and wider region. 珠江三角洲发展战略将广州、香港、澳门与中国南方各省联系起来。本 区域将和上海及长江三角注入、北方的京津唐地区形成竞争之势。尽管 目前这些区域开发还是以沿海省份为主,但它们所形成的联合效应正逐 步带动由东向西的发展。这样的经济发展战略当然会促进西部地区的繁 荣,但同时也注定了上述三个政治和经济重心之间的竞争之势。在这三 个重要区域之间建立高速铁路的连接,将确立由北向南的经济繁荣,同 时将北京和香港/澳门连成一体。 在香港、澳门、广州和北京间修建高速铁路,将迅速转化广州、广东及 至全国的城市结构。高速铁路沿线将出现新的居住社区,铁路将成为这 些社区的主要交通方式。从全球范围看,以铁路为主导的交通开发项目 带动整个社区的复合开发已成为常见模式,火车站则成为这些社区和更 大区域的门户。 The new high speed rail corridor will create a new development spine which will link the pearl river delta, the changjiang river corridor and the jingjin together. 这个新的高速铁路走廊将创造一个新的开发链。它将连接珠三角地区,长江 流域和京津地区。 CHINA 中国 广州 新 客 站地区规划设计 -- 核心区 城市 设计 PEARL DELTA DISTRICT 广州的大区域 DISTRICTS OF GUANGZHOU 广州的 分区 ECO STRUCTURE OF GUANGZHOU 广州的 生态结构 TRANSPORTATION LINKAGE 广州的 交通连接 MASTER PLANNING FOR GUANGZHOU NEW RAILWAY STATION REGION -- URBAN DESIGN FOR THE CORE AREA EXISTING CONDITION 现状分析图 广州 新 客 站地区规划设计 -- 核心区 城市 设计 SITE ANALYSIS 基地分析 MASTER PLANNING FOR GUANGZHOU NEW RAILWAY STATION REGION -- URBAN DESIGN FOR THE CORE AREA SITE ANALYSIS 基地分析 广州 新 客 站地区规划设计 -- 核心区 城市 设计 In many ways the site offers a clean slate to create a new quarter or district. While the existing conditions have a unique setting with the mountains and distant landscapes it is the water ponds, ?sh ponds,