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建筑工程机电安装管理技术(论文).pdf 第1页
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· 145 · 建筑工程机电安装管理技术 周  飞 (山西四建集团有限公司,太原 030012)    [摘 要 ] 为探寻建筑工程机电安装管理办法,通过强化管理手段提高机电安装施工质量,为建筑机电 安装产业发展推进助力。结合某建筑工程机电安装工程案例,分析该项目机电安装施工特点及管理工作中 存在的不足,包括安装施工不规范、施工质量管理体系缺失、先进机电设备及安装技术应用较少以及各部 门间缺少有效沟通等,并从材料管理、隐蔽工程安装管理、安装现场质量控制、施工安全管理和BIM技术 在机电安装施工管理中的应用等方面,总结机电安装管理技术应用路径。通过运用上述管理技术,该工程 机电安装施工质量、进度及施工安全性均得以保证,在BIM技术辅助下及时规避安装施工风险,提高综合 管理质效。机电安装管理技术在建筑机电工程中具有重要应用价值,利于提高施工综合管理水平。    [关键词 ] 建筑工程;机电工程;机电安装;施工管理技术    [中图分类号]  TU 71     [文献标志码]  A     [文章编号]  1001 -523X (2023 )07-0145 -03 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING Zhou Fei    [ Abstract ] Explore the management methods of mechanical and electrical installation in construction engineering, improve the construction quality of mechanical and electrical installation by strengthening management measures, and promote the development of mechanical and electrical installation industry in construction. Combined with the case of mechanical and electrical installation engineering of a construction project, this paper analyzes the characteristics of the mechanical and electrical installation construction and the deficiencies in the management work of the project, including non-standard installation construction, lack of construction quality management system, less application of advanced mechanical and electrical equipment and installation technology, and lack of effective communication among various departments, and from the aspects of material management, concealed engineering installation management, installation site quality control The application of construction safety management and BIM technology in electromechanical installation construction management is summarized. Through the application of the above management technologies, the construction quality, progress and safety of the electromechanical installation of the project can be guaranteed. With the help of the BIM technology, the deficiencies of the installation and construction can be avoided in time, and the quality and efficiency of the comprehensive management can be improved. The electromechanical installation management technology has important application value in the construction electromechanical engineering, which is conducive to improving the comprehensive construction management level.    [Keywords ] construction engineering; mechanical and electrical engineering; mechanical and electrical installation; construction management technology 建筑工程中机电安装施工具有较强的专业性及系 统性,为保证工程施工质量,对安装管理技术提出了 更高的要求,分析当前机电安装施工管理现状存在诸 多不足,管理技术水平有待提升,对机电工程施工质 量、进度及安全性产生一定影响。 因此以实际施工案例为背景,剖析施工管理存在 的不足并提出几点机电安装管理技术应用路径,具有 重要意义。 1 案例分析 某商务中心项目为综合性建筑,位于山西省太 原市,由酒店和商业两大结构组成,包括 2栋高层公 寓、 1栋星级酒店、地下室及商业用房。地下室结构 共计 4层,由商业区、停车场、建筑设备用房、人防 工程等构成。 其机电安装系统较为繁杂,包括弱电系统、通 风空调系统、消防系统、管线敷设以及给水排水系统 等,该项目高度重视安装施工质量控制,安装施工特 点及安装管理存在的不足总结如下 。 收稿日期 :2023–02–20 作者简介 :周飞(1979—),男,山西怀仁人,高级工程师,主要 研究方向为机电施工、技术、预核算及项目管理。 EC?? 建   ?    ~    6    '   & Roads and Bridges Building Technology Development ?50? 7期 2?8 ·146 · 2 机电安装施工特点 该项目机电安装施工特点可总结为如下几点。 (1)对施工技术有着较高的要求。随着机电产 业的迅猛发展,为实现该项目施工过程中