Building Technology Development—[®k
B u ild in g M a n a g e m e n t201821o
2 0 2 1年4月建筑机电工程施工管理能力优化
提升策略探讨吴旭虎( 中 交 二 航 局 建 筑 工 程 有 限 公 司 ,武 汉430000)[摘要]机电安装工程作为现代建筑施工过程中重要的一环,其施工质量对建筑工程后期作业起到重要的作用。为确保施
基于此,结合理论实践,分析目前存在的管理问题,优化提升机电施工管理能力。[关键词]机 电 安 装 ;施 工管理;建 筑 ;优化提升[中图分类号]T U85 ; T U71 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1001-523X (2021) 08-0051-02》-疚了筑疚疚-加0 加0 同立开-2-處5开-加0 50技 旨术加2加开-加0 和开术5开《玫杂 加沭 关加0疚开术筑了开-加0 交505玫《2《0开
Ability of Building Mechanical and Electrical EngineeringWu X u-hu[ Abstract ] As an important part o f the modem building construction process, the mechanical and electrical installation project,
its construction quality plays an important role in the later work o f the construction project. In order to ensure the quality o f construction,
the standardized management o f the electrical and mechanical construction and installation o f buildings, and the stable and safe operation
of mechanical and electrical equipment during construction, are issues that must be considered in construction operations. Based on this,
combined with theory and practice, this paper analyzes the current management problems, to optimize and improve the management
ability of electromechanical construction.士 集《杂1加术技疚 ] mechanical and electrical installation ; construction management ; building ; optimization and promotion? u R v u _ ` ? Rv u ? ? ` k * . ? D 6? ? ?
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