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[景观规划][市政公园]苏州狮山公园竞赛方案(SASAKI).pdf 第1页
[景观规划][市政公园]苏州狮山公园竞赛方案(SASAKI).pdf 第2页
[景观规划][市政公园]苏州狮山公园竞赛方案(SASAKI).pdf 第3页
[景观规划][市政公园]苏州狮山公园竞赛方案(SASAKI).pdf 第4页
[景观规划][市政公园]苏州狮山公园竞赛方案(SASAKI).pdf 第5页
[景观规划][市政公园]苏州狮山公园竞赛方案(SASAKI).pdf 第6页
[景观规划][市政公园]苏州狮山公园竞赛方案(SASAKI).pdf 第7页
[景观规划][市政公园]苏州狮山公园竞赛方案(SASAKI).pdf 第8页
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01 区域背景 site and context 02 概念与诠释 interpretation and concepts 03 总体规划框架 master plan framework 04 补充说明 supporting information 目录 contents 资料来源于网络,仅供试读,请自觉删除,版权归原作者所用 两千五百年的文化历史传统通过一系列古典园林、宝塔、延展的运河系统以及机构得到充分展 示,使得苏州成为首选的旅游目的地。苏州工业园以及苏州新区的成立伴随着高科技走廊的兴起 使得苏州成为主要经济发动机,人口在过去几十年快速增长。狮山基地坐落于主要城市轴线的端 点,将基地与高科技走廊、金鸡湖新开发以及更大的苏州工业园相联系。两大历史山丘坐镇,使 得基地成为突出的视觉地标以及重要的文化与宗教胜地 Sasaki制定的愿景以基地自然与历史资源为基础,通过策略性地引进以造林以及展示现代艺术、 创新为主的系列文化与市政机构将其转变为主要的文化目的地。这些机构通过滨水步道串联,每 一个机构都有独特的美景作为衬托,并创造通向高新区的城市边缘。此愿景的一个重要方面是保 护与提高现有生态与水文系统品质,提高现状基地内原封闭苗圃的通达性,将其与为周边居民提 供的各种休闲以及运动机会相整合。总的来说,Sasaki的愿景试图实现现有生态系统、生机勃勃 的公共空间以及城市发展三方面的平衡 2,500 years of historic and cultural traditions manifested in a series of classical gardens, pagodas, extensive canal net- works and institutions, have made Suzhou a prominent tourist destination. The establishment of the Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP) and the Suzhou New District Initiative with the emerging Hi-Tech corridor have catapulted Suzhou into a major economic generator with a rapidly growing demographic in the last decade. The Shishan site is located at the termination of a significant urban axis that connects the site and the hi-tech corridor to new developments at Jin Ji Lake and the larger SIP District. The presence of two historic hills on the site make the site a prominent visual landmark and an important cultural and religious destination. Sasaki’s vision is to build on the natural and historic assets of the site and transform it into a primary cultural destination by the strategic introduction of a series of cultural and civic institutions aimed at fostering and showcasing contempo - rary arts, creativity and innovation. These institutions are connected by a waterfront promenade that give each of them a spectacular setting and create an urban edge towards the hi-tech district developments. A primary aspect of this vision is to also preserve and enhance existing ecological and hydrological systems and make the currently inaccessible nursery edge of the site more porous and integrated with multiple recreational and sports opportunities for surround- ing residents. Overall, Sasaki’s vision creates a balance between existing eco-systems, a vibrant public realm and urban development. 狮山的新理念 : 城市遇见自然 A NEW PARADIGM FOR sh I sh AN : C I ty MEE ts NA tu RE site and context 基地背景 01 区域背景 OVERALL CONTEXT ??í 2Y ?? ao Z ?1? ? ?1?? ? ?M ^ M ^ ?M?_ S=?? g s? <? ?? ???? u ? ??H? vì g !9 8 区域背景 REGIONAL CON t E xt 区域背景-道路网络 REGIONAL C ON t E x t-st REE t NE t W OR k 苏州高新区狮山周边地块城市设计 10 区域背景-地铁网络 REGIONAL CON t E xt - t RAN s I t NE t WOR k 苏州高新区狮山周边地块城市设计 11 苏州城市轴线 u R b AN A x E s IN suzh O u CI t y Urban Axes most of the economic activity takes place in development zones spread around the old city center. these include suzhou new distr ict ( snd ) and suzhou industr ial par k ( sip ) and other sub cit y centers. However, most public facilities are still concentrated in the old town or along the east-west urban development axis. 城市轴线 大部分的经济活动围绕以老城为中心的发展带进行,包括苏州新 区、苏州工业园以及其它城市副中心。但是,大多数的公共设施仍集中于老城以 及沿东西方向的城市发展带。 苏州高新区狮山周边地块城市设计 12 区域背景-公共设施 REGIONAL CON t E xt- P ub LIC FACILI t IE s 政府规划公共设施 proposed public facilities 现有公共设施 existing