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绿色生态城区建设实施--法定控制性详细规划的治理体制问题(论文).pdf 第1页
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绿色生态城区建设实施 一一法定控制性详细规划的治理体制问题 GREEN AND ECOLOGICAL CITY DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT IMPLEMENTA 丁ION: ISSUE OF ADMINISTRATION AND GOVERNANCE SYSTEMS OF THE STATUTORY REGULATORY PLANS Planning G r e e n 叶祖这耿宏兵 Stanley C. T. YIP; GENG Hongbing to providing the statutoη , and institutional support to promote the implementation of these projects. This paper is based on the research study on one of the early low carbon ecological city projects in China: the Changxindian Eco-City Project located in the Fengtai District of Beijing. From the perspective of govemance systems and models , and based on research and analytical studies , this paper examines the challenges faced by the local planning officials and development companies during the implementation stage of the projec t. Based on the preliminary research findings of this case study , this paper puts forth initial recommendations which could lead to further research in this important area. KEYWORDS: green and ecological city district; low carbon cities; regulatory plans; low carbon city 【摘要】我国绿色生态城市规划建设还刚起步, 规划管理的重点还停留在设计审批阶段,对施 工、验收与未来运营能否达到预期的低再发生态效 果等,相应管理坏节基本缺失,亟需在控规管理 实施层面进行体制和制度上的创新。本文认为除 了技术应用和指标制定外,以低碳、绿色、生态 为规划驱动力的城区建设必须妥通过一个有效的 地方规划治理体制,才可以获得在法制和制度上 的保障,从而得到广泛的实施。本文以近期对北 京市长辛店生态城项目案例的研究,从规划体制 治理的角度,对绿色生态城区在建设实施过程 中,管理部门和建设单位面对的问题与挑战进行 调研、讨论和初步梳理,希望启发并带动体制改 革深化方面的探讨和研究。 【关键坷】绿色生态城区;低破城市;控制性详 细规划;低碳城市治理休制 40 落哥站出」豆叶〈市 EZZ 王曰万 m〈日军 NDdm 冉抽回 ωEA喃喃刮芯避〈 O「ω 由Z04M 口mnNDS govemance 1 绿色生态城区:规划建设管理的治理体 制问题 近年国家政策大力推动绿色生态城区建 设[12) 其中国家发展和改革委员会与住房和城 乡建设部公布的〈绿色建筑行动方案的通知〉 (国办发 (2013) 1号)把绿色生态规划建设纳 入法定规划管理体制,对中国城市规划管理体 制有深远的影响 [3)。住房和城乡建设部公布的 { "十二五"绿色建筑和绿色生态城区发展规 划J} (2013 年3月)指出要实施 100 个绿色生态城区 示范建设①,按照绿色生态城区标准规划 建设 和运行 I付。 地方政府也展开探讨以法定控制性详细规 划J(以下简称"控规" )作为实施低碳生态城市建 设的法定手段,有关在控制文件中纳入相关低碳 生态规划指标已有不少探索案例和成果[卜 7)。然 而,笔者认为这些探索与研究主要以技术要求为 主,如从建筑科技角度探讨编制绿色生态城区的 ABSTRAC T: At the current early stage of "low carbon , green and ecological city district" development implementation in China , most of the development control efforts of local planning authorities are being put upon the issues related to design approval , and much less focus has been put on construction process , project completion approval and operational stages. It is strongly recommended that attention shall be paid to setting up innovative administration and governance models for the statutory regulatory (zoning) plans to facilitate the implementation of the low carbon eco-city projects. The authors point out in this paper that in addition to the issue of setting up the performance indicators and searching for the best low carbon ecological design solutions , the successful implementation of low carbon , green and ecological urban development projects rests upon the establishment of an appropriate and effective local planning govemance system. The latter is key 【文章编号] 1002-1329 (2015) 12-0040-07 【中图分类号】 TU984 【文献标识码] A [doi] 10. 11819jcpr20151207a 【修改日期] 2014 一09一11 I作者简介 1 叶祖达,男,博士,香港 规划师学会原会长,北京 大学城市规划设计中心/香 港中文大学中国住房研究 中心