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超细构件胶合木网格结构设计研究(论文).pdf 第1页
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建 筑 技 术 Architecture Technology 第 50 卷第 4期 2019 年 4月 Vol.50 No.4 Apr. 2019 •425- 超细构件胶合木网格结构设计研究 郭苏夷 I , 李旭 I , 马瑜蓉 梁峰 2, 秦曙 $ (1.济木建筑科技工程(上海)有限公司 ,200092, 上海 ;2.同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司 ,200092, 上海) 摘 要 :上海杨树浦驿站采用超细构件胶合木结构 ,设计过程中优化了受力过程和节点连接方式 ,分析 了结构体系全预制装配施工的可行性 ,结果表明 :超细构件胶合网格结构体系受力合理 ,施工快捷 ,可实现 建筑艺术与现代化工业建设的完美结合 。 关键词 :胶合木 ;网格结构 ;超细构件 中图分类号 :TU318 文献标志码 :A 文章编号 :1000~4726(2019)04_ 0425-04 DESIGN AND STUDY ON SUPERFINE CONSTRUCTIONAL GLUED WOODEN LATTICE STRUCTURE GUO Su-yi 1, LI Xu 1, MA Yu-rong 1, LIANG Feng 2, QIN Shu 2 (l.Jimu Building Technology and Engineering Co., Ltd., 200092, Shanghai, China; 2.Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd., 200092, Shanghai, China) Abstract: Shanghai Yangshupu Pavilion is a super-fine member glued wooden structure. Force applying process and node connection type were optimized during design, and feasibility of prefabrication of the whole structural system was analyzed. It was found that super-fine member glued lattice structure system has reasonable force application and convenient construction, realizing perfect combination of architectural art and modem industrial construction. Keywords: glued wood; lattice structure; superfine member 为消除木材缺陷对其力学性能的影响 ,随着木 材科学的发展诞生了多种工程木产品 (engineering 收稿日期 :2019-02-15 作者简介 :郭苏夷 (1983 — ), 女,上海人 ,工程师 ,e-mail : gsy_ civil@qq.com . wood products ),其中层板胶合木 (glued laminated timber, glulam )是最典型的一种 。层板胶合木是将锯 材干燥后进行应力分级 、指接 、刨光 、涂胶 、施压胶 合等步骤制作完成的 。采用这种工艺生产的大截面木 构件或各种异形弯曲木构件 ,可作为主要受力构件用 的抗剪性能 ,以避免试件在剪力作用下可能发生的脱 胶破坏 。 (3 )参照北美 CLT 设计手册算得的滚剪强度平 均值为 1.03 MPa, 而参照木结构设计规范算得的滚 剪强度平均值为 0.98 MPa o 参考文献 [1] CLT( 正交胶合木 )简明介绍 [J]- 国际木业 ,2018,48(5):10-12. [2] 何敏娟 ,孙晓峰 ,李征 .正交胶合木结构在地震作用下的层间位 移角研究 [JJ. 特种结构 ,2017, 34(1): 1-7. [3] Standard for Performance-rated Cross-laminated Timber: ANSI/APA PRG 320[S]. [4] HE M J, SUN X F, LI 乙 Bending and compressive properties of cross laminated timber (CLT) panels made from Canadian hemlock[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018(185):175-183. [5] SIKORA K S, MCPOLIN D O, HARTE A M. Effects of the thickness of cross-laminated timber (CLT) panels made from Irish Sitkaspruce on mechanical performance in bending and shear[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2013(12). [6] GAVRIC I, FRAGIACOMO M, CECCOTTI A. Cyclic behaviour of typical metal connectors for cross-laminated (CLT) structures [J]. Materials and Structures, 2015(48): 1841-1857. [7] LIU J J, LAM F. Experimental test of coupling effect on CLT hold ­ down connections [J]. Engineering Structures, 2019(178):586-602. [8] LUCA P, ANNA S, MARCO S, et al. Angle bracket connections for CLT structures: Experimental characterization and numerical modelling[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018(191):95- 113. [9] ILDIKO L, ANDERS B, ROBERTO T. Strength and stiffness of cross-laminated timber (CLT) shear walls: State-of-the-art of analytical approaches[J]. Engineering Structures, 2019(178):136- 147. [10] KARACEBEYLI E, DOUGLAS B, 2013, CLT Handbook - US Edition[J]. Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication, Quebec City, Canada. [11] 木结构设计规范: GB 50005 —201 7[S]. •426 • 建筑技术 第 50 卷第 4期 于建筑或桥梁结构中 。这种工程木产