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GB 50630-2010 有色金属工程设计防火规范.pdf

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GB 50630-2010 有色金属工程设计防火规范.pdf 第1页
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Code for design on fire prevention of nonferrous metals engineering P P .?' " PPPPPPPPPPPPP wr#kNw@g,rrw,,,m,w,-~k~@ ro . . , . . . . . . . . . ... ....a . . ...... ........ .......... .................... .................... .................... . . ::::::::::::::::::::!*:: .................... ...... ...... :::::::::::::::mi: ..................... . . ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ wnnfin-nnnnnnnfinfififihfinnnnn NNNEUNEUNrwwCwwrw wwwwVVVVwVVwwVwVVVwVVwwV ..- . 6 Emergency evacuation and building construction ....a. (25) Appendix A Checking computation for-fire resistant stability 6 . 1 . Emergency evacuation .......................................... (25) of steel columns near emergency pit of 6 . 2 Building construction .......................................... (26) non-ferrous metal smelting furnace ......... (52) 6 . 3 Anti-explosion in plant buildings(warehouse) ............... (27) Explanation of Wording in this code ........................... (62) 7 Fire fighting in water supply and drainage and extinguishing ~i~t of quoted standards .......................................... (63) facilities ............................................................ (29) ........................... Addition: Explanation of provisions (65) 7 . 1 General requirement .......................................... (29) 7.2 Outdoor fire water supply in plant area ..................... (30) 7 . 3 Indoor fire water supply ...... ..".. ........................... (30) 7 . 4 Mine fire water supply ....................................... (32) ............ 7 . 5 Establishment of Automatic exting~iishing system (33) 7 . 6 Fire water pond, fire water tank and fire water pump house ......................................................... (36) 7 . 7 Fire water drainage ........ "" .............................. (37) 8 Heating, Ventilation, Dust removal and airconditioning ................................................... (38) 8 . 1 General requirement ...... u .. ............................... (38) 8 a 2 Heating ......................................................... (38) 8 . 3 Ventilation ...................................................... (39) 8 . 4 Dust removal ..a...........M................................... (40) 8 . 5 Air conditioning ..........................................as.... (41) 9 Automatic fire alarm system ................................. (42) 10 power Supply ................................................... (44) 10 . 1 Power supply and distribution for fire prevention ......... (44) 10 . 2 Power transformation(distribution)system .................. (44) 10 a 3 Cable and cable layidg ................. ...................... (46) 10.4 Lightning and electrostatic prevention ..................... (49) 10.5 Emergency lighting and evacuation indication sign for fire ....................................... (51) 2.0.1 It%?&! processtype @GB&H&F%E~&F~F~&$UU~~%*%% ,,$.%;(3".B ;(~".A&*&.@&*&\E$B&%.&BB$&~$UI%%%~J? U WEf&.#%.$@8%20 2.0.2 &rB main workshop a%-Iz%a+HTa@&~&FIz%&\EsmrBo 2.0.3 ,B$(E) &E general substation RT*rSkE&&F#.E&&%BB%ECR+HTX+ SIQSIJ\EB.E@BBB%E%%$MS/J\E~(E) &Elo 2.0.4 I& service room of workshop %SlQ&FBI@BE*.%%.BB.3UM% El #B$#HBe
GB 50630-2010 有色金属工程设计防火规范.pdf