建 筑 技 术 开 发 Building Technology Development 工程技术 Engineering and Technology 第44卷第9期 2017年5月
水 利 水 电 工 程 施 工 中 的 边 坡 开 挖 支 护 技 术 分 析
王 凯
(山 东省水 利 工程局 有 限公 司 ,济 南 250013)
[摘 要】水利水电施工是一项较大型工程,为确保施工进度及施工质量,常采用边坡开挖支护技术保障各材料可有效运输
到施工现场,为整个工程质量提供支撑。因水利水电工程所处位置关系,边坡位置大多复杂多变,加大了施工难度 ,部分_T-程
作 。完整的边坡开挖支护操作由前期支护、爆破、排水、边坡支护几个步骤组成,不同步骤涉及到的技巧及施工操作均存在差异性。
[关键词 ]水利水电 ;开挖方式 ;支护技术
[中图分类号 ]Tv223;Tv541 [文献标志码 ]B [文章编号 ]1001—523X (2017)09-0091—02
Analysis on Slope Excavation and Support Technology in Construction
of W ater Conservancy and H ydropower Project
Wang Kai
[Abstract]Water conservancy and hydropower construction is a large-scale project.In order to ensure the construction progress and construction quality,the slope excavation and support technology is usually used to ensure that all materials can be transported to
the construction site effectively and provide support for the whole project quality.Due to the location relationship of water conservancy
and hydropower projects,the slope position is mostly complicated and changeable,which increases the difficulty of construction.
Some works may be delayed due to improper slope construction.Slope is a stable slope of the road structure,the construction quality is
directly related to the construction staff can use the implementation of follow—up operation of the slope.The complete slope excavation
support operation consists of several steps:pre—support,blasting,drainage and slope support.There are differences in the skills
and construction operations involved in different steps.This paper briefly introduces the significance of slope excavation and support,
analyzes the common excavation method and support technology,and studies the slope excavation and support technology on the basis
of this practical steps.
[Keywords]water conservancy and hydropower;excavation method;support technology
还可迅速排走雨水,避免在路基上形成积水 【1]。在边坡开挖支
水 电工程建设质量控制有益。现阶段因相关技术及研究的不
根据边坡具体情况合理选择 l2]。本文以水利水电工程中边坡开
1 边坡开挖支护的意义