Building Technology Development1〜)A
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2 0 2 1年2月地铁建筑设计的思路与技术要点探析王亮( 中铁第五勘察设计院集团有限公司,北 京 102600)[摘要]地铁车站建筑工程设计工作对于地铁整体建设成果及后续运营的影响非常显著,很大程度上影响到城市轨道公共
课 题 ,首先对地铁建筑工程进行合理设计规划的重要性进行了分析,其次对地铁建筑工程设计的需求及设计的思路进行了探索,
最后针对地铁建筑工程设计工作中的技术及其要点进行了研究。[关键词]地 铁 建 筑 工 程 ;地铁建 筑 设 计 ;地下铁路设计思路;地铁设计技术[中图分类号]TU 71 [文献标志码]B [文章编号]1001-523X (2021) 04-0019-02第强卷.,筑期筑 届强 为和卷期强 届术 为流届作发流幵 卷强与 为交苜流强期苜卷. 的交, 相届期强幵筑 届术
Subway Architecture DesignWang Liang?Abstract ] The construction engineering design o f subway station has a significant impact on the overall construction results and
subsequent operation o f the subway, and greatly affects the overall operation and deployment o f urban rail transit. Relevant units should
pay attention to the relevant ideas and technical points of the construction engineering design o f metro station o f rail public transportation.
This is a subject worthy o f study. Firstly, the importance o f reasonable design and planning o f subway construction engineering is
analyzed. Secondly, the demand and design ideas of subway construction engineering design are explored. Finally, the technology and
its key points in the design o f subway construction engineering are studied.[Keywords ] subway construction engineering ; subway architectural design ; underground railway design ideas ; subway design
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