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卧式离心水泵泵壳爆裂原因分析及处理措施应用研究--以某酒店装修工程项目为例(论文).pdf 第1页
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2022·7·Building Construction 1676 卧式离心水泵泵壳爆裂原因分析及处理措施应用研究——以某酒店装修工程项目为例 章义宝 上海名华工程建筑有限公司 上海 200442 摘要: 结合空调冷冻机房卧式离心水泵泵壳爆裂的工程实际案例,通过对水泵爆裂的泵壳、进水管端部法兰片与水泵 进水口法兰片的平行度、偏心大小头与软接头管间的石棉橡胶垫压痕情况及进水管轴线与水泵出水口轴线平面位置等 方面进行检查,研究泵体、管道承受应力情况;分析了水泵运行时泵壳内部压力情况、振动和外加应力对水泵系统的 危害情况。从水泵安装、管道、支架、减振等施工安装方面采取措施,避免应力和振动对水泵系统的影响,确保水泵 系统的运行安全,可为其他类似工程提供借鉴。 关键词: 离心水泵;爆裂;振动;外加应力;软接头 中图分类号: T U 831.4 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004- 1001(2022)07- 1676-0 4 DOI: 1 0.1 4144/j. c nki. jz sg .2 022.0 7.0 62 Cause Analysis on Pump Shell Burst of Horizontal Centrifugal Water Pump and Application Research on Treatment Measures — Taking a Hotel Decoration Project as an Example ZHANG Yibao Shanghai Minghua Constructional Engineering Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200442, China Abstract: Combined with the actual engineering case of the burst of the pump shell of the horizontal centrifugal water pump in the air conditioning freezer room, the parallelism of the burst pump shell of the water pump, the flange at the end of the water inlet pipe and the flange at the water inlet of the water pump, the indentation of the asbestos rubber pad between the eccentric reducer and the flexible joint pipe, and the plane position of the axis of the water inlet pipe and the axis of the water outlet of the water pump are checked, and the stress of the pump body and pipeline are studied. The damage to the pump system caused by internal pressure, vibration and applied stress in the pump shell during the operation of the pump is analyzed. Measures are taken from aspects of the water pump installation, pipeline, support, vibration reduction, etc. to avoid the impact of stress and vibration on the water pump system and ensure the operation safety of the water pump system, which can provide reference for other similar projects. Keywords: c entr if u g al w ate r p um p; b urs t; v ib ra tio n; a p plie d s tr e ss; s o ft jo in t 1 空调冷冻机房卧式离心水泵泵壳爆裂工程案例 1.1 案例项目工程概况 某 酒店装修工程项目地上26层 ,地下1层 ;建筑总高度 9 9.0 5 m , 总建筑面积4.8 万 m 2; 地下室为酒店办公用房和 设 备用房。 空 调系统冷 源采用3台 离心式冷水机组,单台制冷量 2 2 85 k W 。 根据建筑物的高度,塔楼10层 以上空调水系统 工 作压力为1.0 M Pa, 10层 以下及裙房的空调水冷系统的工 作 压力为1.6 M Pa。 空 调冷冻水系统采用一次水泵变流量运行,与冷水机 组 一对一匹配设置,并设1台 备用泵;空调热水系统采用水 泵 变流量,热水泵为变频泵,两用一备,通过二次出水管 上 的温度传感器控制一次出水管上电动两通阀。 空 调冷冻机房的冷冻水循环泵为卧式整体式离心 泵 ,功率75 k W 、